Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Had A Blast At The Dog Park

We finally found the dog park that is close to the house. It only took Puccino a few minutes to warm up to the other dogs. He was however more interested in playing with the other dog owners than the dogs. No tricks yet, but we are working on it.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

What A Difference A Few Months Makes

Wow, Puccino is almost double the size that he was a few months ago. We had a bit of an accident with the last hair cut, and lets just say....Puccino was not happy. I cut away most of my babys pretty black fur. Now Puccino is like four different colors. Never fear, nothing a puppy t shirt cannot hide!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Lord What Have I Gone And Done!

I was so excited about getting a new puppy. Now I am thinking what in the world have I done. Puccino is the most aggressive little puppy I have ever seen. He does so great with his crate training but the minute I let him on carpet he looses every bit of training. He is going to have my apartment looking like section 8 housing!